Daily Shepherd’s life

3 min readFeb 6, 2023


The life of a shepherd in the wide steppe regions of Kakheti in Georgia is one that is hard and full of harsh conditions. The winter season brings icy winds, cold rain, and extreme weather to this region. With no electricity available, shepherds must rely on solar panels for power as well as firewood for warmth during the long evenings alone at their hot stoves.

Sheep are an important part of a shepherd’s livelihood; they provide wool which can be sold or used to make clothing or blankets. To protect these animals from predators such as wolves, shepherds carry guns with them when tending their flock out in the open fields day after day — even through snow storms or downpours if need be! Turkish coffee powder also serves an essential purpose by providing energy throughout long days spent outside herding sheep and watching over them while they graze peacefully across rolling hillsides.

Life on the steppe may seem lonely but it can also bring great satisfaction knowing that you have taken care of your animals despite all odds against you like adverse weather conditions and isolation from civilization due to rare mobile phone connections out there too far away from any townships nearby.. Despite its hardships however, it offers peace not found elsewhere — something only those who experience it understand fully: A connection with nature that cannot be replicated anywhere else in this world!

Shepherd dog in Samukhi
Shepherd Adam
Horse trough
Puppies playing
Shepherd hut with paintings of my friend Nugzari
Shepherds lunch

the text was written by AI using you.com giving the input words

“Shepherd’s hard life, steppe, sheep, gun to protect the animals, wolves, icy winds, rain, weather extremes, rare mobile phone connections, no electricity, just solar panels, Turkish coffee powder, lonely evenings at the hot stove, cooking on open fire, that all is in the wide steppe regions of Kakheti in Georgia in the Caucasus in Winter 2023”

photos by Hans made in Vashlovani, Georgia, Asia, February 2023

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